5 Week Mindfulness for Neurodiversity

6:30 pm
8:30 pm
5 Weeks
Rachel Ardagh
Facilitator's Profile
€300 (some concession prices are available)

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Rachel Ardagh is a Mindfulness Teacher and Mental Health Occupational Therapist in The Mindfulness and Compassion Therapy Centre, who specialises in supporting neurodivergent young people and adults in her practice.

This bespoke online course will be held over 5 weeks and is open to neurodivergent adults from age 18 onwards. All neurotypes are welcome, and you do need not need a formal diagnosis to attend. The emphasis of the course will draw on evidence and practices predominantly for ADHD, AuDHD, or traits of these neurotypes.

Aims of this course

- To support neurodivergent adults to understand how to implement mindfulness in their daily lives through an experiential and supportive group environment.

- To provide participants with accessible and sustainable mindfulness practices and tools to use in between sessions and when the course is complete.

- To help with understanding the 'how' of mindfulness and compassion practices. Learn how it specifically helps neurodivergent adults - why it can be tricky, and how we can make it accessible and practical for those who are neurodivergent. We will also look at the strong evidence base for this.

- To explore self compassion, and how to begin to implement this to support moments of difficulty with self criticism, and difficulty with executive functioning.

- Questions and answers with Rachel to help you leave with more capability to apply mindfulness to your day to life-from the pleasant moments-to the ones that overwhelm.


Hear what previous participants of the Mindfulness for Neurodiversity course have said

"I’m really glad I did the course and I think I got a lot from it. I really enjoyed the group aspect as everyone was very welcoming and willing to share their experiences, so it made me feel understood. Got me to actually try giving mindfulness a go and start to incorporate into it my day, which is what I was hoping to achieve."

Rachel Ardagh

MSc Mindfulness Based Intervention, BSc (Hons) Occupational Therapy, CORU Registered Occupational Therapist

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Rachel Ardagh

Mindfulness Teacher with The Mindfulness and Compassion Centre:

Rachel began her training in teaching mindfulness in 2017 in Bangor University through their teacher training pathway. In 2020 she completed a Masters in Mindfulness Based Interventions in UCD, and was awarded with the Mindfulness Award for best performance in the Masters from the UCD School of Psychology. She has completed further training in other mindfulness based interventions including Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy, and Trauma Sensitive Mindfulness. Rachel is a part of the Tutor Team for Trainee Mindfulness Teacher's in The Mindfulness and Compassion Centre. She is a registered member of the The Mindfulness Teacher's Association of Ireland.

In 2020 Rachel set up Insight Out Mindfulness and Therapy, a platform where she provides evidence-based mindfulness courses, retreats and one to one sessions for members of the public, hospitals, members of the LGBTQI+ Community and Direct Provision Centres. She has a special interest in the role of mindfulness and compassion in supporting adults with ADHD, and women experiencing infertility and pregnancy loss.

Mental Health Occupational Therapist with The Mindfulness and Compassion Therapy Centre:

Rachel is a Senior Mental Health Occupational Therapist who graduated from Trinity College in 2007. She now specialises in Occupational Therapy Mental health and neurodiversity. She has worked in various sectors for the past 16 years, including disability, paediatrics, equine assisted therapy, and has specialised in the area of mental health for the past 9 years. Rachel spent 7 years working as a Senior Clinician in the National Centre for Youth Mental Health before moving into OT private practice.

Rachel’s approach to OT is firmly grounded in cultivating more self-compassion and awareness in order to support people to engage meaningfully in what’s important to them in their lives. Rachel has training in various therapeutic approaches which are also woven into her practice, including ACT (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy), CBT (Cognitive Behaviour Therapy), CFT (Compassion Focused Therapy) Solution Focused Therapy, and Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy.

She specialises in providing occupational therapy for adults and young people who are neurodivergent, or who are experiencing mental health difficulties. She also has a special interest in supporting people with ADHD. Rachel is CORU Registered and a Member of AOTI