Day of Mindfulness Practice with Erica

10:00 am
4:00 pm
Erica Balfour
Facilitator's Profile
The Mindfulness and Compassion Centre
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You are welcome to join Erica for a day of mindfulness practice in The Mindfulness and Compassion Centre 33 Pembroke Street Lower, Dublin 2,

This Day of Mindfulness, is an opportunity for us to put aside our usual busyness - or inertia - and practice mindfully being with ourselves in a supportive community and environment.  Suitable for anyone who has completed an 8 week mindfulness-based course  (MBSR, MBCT, MSC etc.) or who has done a day-long retreat before.

This day offers an invitation to create some space in your life, to give yourself permission to slow down, to re-connect to yourself and let yourself be. As we practice this for ourselves we are co-creating a holding space for others to do the same. We will also spend some time in nature in our local quiet little park.

Deliberately making a clearing in your life can be supportive in the cultivation of presence snd kindness towards your experience. If you have 'fallen off the meditation wagon' this may be exactly what you need to kick-start a new beginning. It could be an act of self care.

We will be practicing all of the practices from the 8 week MBSR/MBCT course - the body scan, sitting meditation, mindful movement, walking meditation, eating meditation, and a few others, and the invitation is to make the whole day a seamless period of practice, with no outside interruptions, as best you can.  You are invited to put the phone away for the day.

Please wear comfy clothing and layers for outside walking in Fitzwilliam Square, (fingers crossed the weather will allow us to go outside!).  There will be plenty of yoga mats, blankets and cushions at the venue but please feel free to bring your own if needs be.

Bring a packed lunch. There is a little kitchen in the centre where you can make tea and coffee which will be provided.

Places are limited.




Erica Balfour

Dip in Mindfulness Based Interventions, Dip in Mindful Communication, Director of the Mindfulness Teacher's Association of Ireland. BSc (Environmental Science), Grad Dip Psychotherapy, Dip Counselling Skills,

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Erica Balfour

Mindfulness Teacher, Supervisor, Course Co-ordinator for The Mindfulness Centre for Professional Training, Director of Mindfulness Teachers Association of Ireland.

Erica trained with the founders of The Mindfulness Centre for Professional Training in 2015 and is now a Course coordinator with the centre. She trained to teach Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction (MBSR) and Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT). She trained also in Mindful Communication with Greenzone Institute in 2018 to lead groups. She is a supervisor and trained in MBI TAC. She is currently studying a MSc in Psychotherapy. She sits on the board for The Mindfulness Teachers Association of Ireland.

Mindfulness Training in the Workplace

Along with colleagues from the teaching team with The Mindfulness Centre , Erica facilitates online sessions and courses which are tailored mindfulness and compassion-based trainings using the latest researh and neuroscience designed for work places and organisations.

Therapeutic Approach
Erica has a HDip in psychotherapy and is currently undergoing a MSc in Psychotherapy and her understanding of the therapeutic relationship and developmental theory informs her mindfulness work.

Previous Experience

Erica has worked for many years in the  eco-tourism industry followed by a number of years in banking.  Working and understanding the culture in corporate organisations has been foundational in her application of mindfulness and compassion based intervention in the workplace.


Dip. Mindfulness Based Interventions (Mindfulness Centre for Professional Training), Supervision training, Diploma in Mindful Communication, paws.b teacher(Mindfulness in Schools Project), BSc. Environmental Science, H.Dip.Psychotherapies Studies, Cert. Counselling skills.


Mindfulness Teaching and Training

I teach the following mindfulness courses:

  • Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction
  • Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy
  • Mindful Workplace PAUSE programme

I meet the requirements of the Good Practice Guidelines for Teaching Mindfulness-Based Courses published by the Mindfulness Teachers Association of Ireland To view these, go to good practice guidelines

Personal Practice

I’ve had a personal meditation practice since 2010. My foundational practices are mindfulness, vipassana and compassion based inquiries. I have regularly attended silent meditation retreats and I have one-to-one weekly guidance from an experienced supervisor when teaching 8 week courses.


Erica spends most of spare time learning about burgeoning relational sciences (infant and adult attachment, relational neuroscience, polyvagal theory, trauma, and depth psychology). As a child she found solace in nature and in particular wildflowers & trees.  She has a particular interest in grief work and how this might play an key role in the way that we engage in social mindfulness with regards to biodiversity loss and the climate crisis. She is one of seven daughters and has three girls of her own and is very interested in how mindfulness and self compassion can be used to support women. She loves poetry, film, reading, walking with her Tibetan Terrier in the woods and believes very deeply the power of groups.